Our Services
1. Objective of Neighborhood Property Management:
Our goal is to implement the decisions of the board of directors and to administer the services, programs and operations of the community association within the policies and guidelines established by the board of directors. Neighborhood Property Management Group will never take action not authorized by the board.
2. Maintenance of Association Files:
The Manager will collect, organize and maintain in the Management office, all Association information, including but not limited to the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Declaration of Covenants, conditions and restrictions, site plans, owner lists, correspondence, rules and regulations, specification, corporate minutes, all maintenance and service contracts in effect and the necessary administrative financial information related to the Association.
3. Communications:
The Manager will assist the Association with newsletters, special notices, bulletin, questionnaires, monthly assessments, etc. The manager will establish a close relationship with the Board of Directors and all property’s owners.

4. Mediate Property Owner Problems and/or Association:
The Manager will assist in resolving individual owner problems as they pertain to the Association, common elements and rules and regulations.
5. Property Inspections and Rules Enforcement:
The Manager will make and/or assist the Board of Directors and/or its maintenance committee with regular property inspections, render reports and make recommendations concerning the property and preventative maintenance to ensure that agreed upon standards or necessary improvements are met. The Manager will be present in the Condominium doing property inspections. At this time, the property manager’s inspector will place Warning Violation Stickers on all vehicles considered to be in Violation of the Associations Regulations or on cars parked on “No Parking Areas”. The Manager will assist the Board of Directors in the enforcement of the provisions of the Association Documents and rules and the Board may promulgate regulations as, i.e., monitoring of architectural control guidelines, etc. The Manager will prepare an application process and an interview to the new owners or tenants (new residents) coming inside the Community. This process will be prepared by Neighborhood Property Management and will be approved and signed by the Board of directors.
6. Resolve All Condo-Related Emergencies:
The Manager will maintain a twenty-four (24) hour M-SU emergency call system. After Business Hour Emergency Phone Number: 305.896.9809
7. Assistance to the Board:
The Manager will provide administrative support services to the Board of Directors, by notifying theCommunity of all Board of Directors meetings, circulating minutes of the preceding meetings, as prepared by the Board Secretary, and advising the Board in matters concerning proper procedures for
holding meetings as well as Board members responsibilities and obligations. The Manager will attend one regularly scheduled Board of Directors monthly meeting and the Manager will present monthly Action Plan and Recommendations. Do you wonder how to clean a house professionally checklist? House cleaning service in Georgia can help you with that. The Manager will keep the Board advised of changes in Association’s law as such information is provided to the Manager.
8. General Membership Meetings:
The Manager will organize the annual meeting of the membership of the Association as well as special meetings of the membership, including preparation and delivery of membership notices, voting certificates proxy forms, etc, and will prepare the agendas for these meetings and assist in overseeing elections of new Directors.
9. Financial Management Services:
The Manager shall provide financial management services to the Association. An effective accounting financial system will be provided for the Association.
(a) Financial records will be maintained under generally accepted accounting procedures sufficient to identify the source of all funds collected by the Manager and the disbursement thereof, in compliance with the Florida Condominium Act. Source documents will be maintained in the office of the Manager and shall be available for inspection by unit owners at reasonable times during normal business hours set by appointment only.
(b) The Manager shall have the responsibility for collection of assessments as prescribed by the Association. The Manager will set up separate checking, saving, or other accounts as directed by the Board of Directors. The Manager will keep accounting records to reflect the status of owner’s interest in any account or accounts set up by the Manager. The Manager shall send delinquency notices to any owner in arrears and exert reasonable efforts to collect delinquent accounts including letters and telephone calls. The delinquent owner shall pay a fee of $150.00 per collection letter customary “late fee” collected by the Association. In the event of failure to collect delinquent accounts, and at the discretion of the Board, the Manager shall pursue payment through any Board authorized methods, at the expense of the Association Assessment deposits to be made directly to an account in the name of the Association.
(c) The Manager shall make all required disbursements for the Association and shall support such disbursements with bills or invoices. The Manager shall make all disbursements from assessments collected for normal recurring expenses, by check signed by officers of the Association.
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npm@npmassociation.com | www.npmassociation.com
(d) The Manager shall prepare monthly financial statements, which will be delivered to the Board Treasurer and will include
1. Budget report
2. Income report
3. Expense report
4. Accounts Receivables report
(e) The Manager shall prepare an annual budget for the fiscal year of the Association, detailed to reflect expected operating expenses during the twelve (12) month period that is required from each property owner to pay for the cost to operate the Association during the twelve (12) month period.
(f) The Manager shall prepare an annual budget regarding the reserves for replacement cost for the Association, each year as required by Florida’s Statutes or as outlined by the Board.
(g) The Manager shall prepare a Year End Statements of operations for the Association, and shall assist the accountant selected by the Board, to perform an audit, prepare forms, pay taxes, and file local, State and Federal reports as required.
10. Contractual and Physical Administration:
The manager will oversee the supervision of the common elements, improvements and equipments of the Association.
(a) Service contracting: The Manager from house cleaning in North Carolina will solicit, analyze and compare bids, and negotiate contracts, check over http://www.dustandmop.com/. to be executed by the Board, and will supervise the services of contractors for any required grounds maintenance, landscaping, irrigation, pest control services, lighting, security service, audit and legal services, and for all other services required by the Association.
11. Insurance:
The Manager will solicit and analyze bids for necessary insurance coverage including but not limited to workers compensation and public liability, etc. To the extent obtainable, with insurance carriers selected by the Association in such amounts as the Association shall designate in writing. The Manager will recommend any modifications or additional coverage that would best represent the Association, prepare claims when required, follow up on payments and act as the Board’s
representative in negotiating settlements.
12. Management Personnel:
The Manager will hire in the name of Neighborhood Property Management Group, Corp., at least one (1) licensed (CAM) managerial personnel necessary for the efficient discharge of the duties described herein. Compensation for the services of such employee(s) will be the responsibility of the Manager, and all such employees will be covered by worker’s compensation and liability insurance. All Management personnel are property bonded.